Annual Report 2018
Sustainability at Bittium in 2018
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Megatrends that Affect Our Operations

A megatrend that has a huge effect on our operations is digitalization, whose different manifestations create both business threats and business opportunities.

Connectivity as an enabler of digitalization

The rise of merged software, complex system management and the fast development of the 5G technology create opportunities for us to provide added value to our customers. To maintain our competitive edge, we need to keep intensifying our own technological development. 

Internet of Things (IoT)

The growing importance of the IoT means that operational processes and the IoT need to be integrated to ensure efficiency. We utilize robotic process automation to develop our own operations. For our customers, we develop challenging IoT-related solutions that require specific data security. 

Digitalization and aging population

As the population is getting older and the global population is mushrooming, the digitalization of health care plays an important role for the ability to maintain the productivity and coverage of services. Remote monitoring, wireless solutions, new home care methods and faster and more efficient health data analyses are amongst the technological solutions we have developed to benefit our customers. 

Information security

As digitalization and technologies develop, the challenges of data security also become more prominent. This has made cyber security one of the major concerns. Tighter data security and regulatory requirements are reflected on the operations of our customers as well as Bittium. The requirements will also extend to new sectors and applications and, at the same time, the importance of data security certification will increase. We are familiar with these fast-increasing, sector-specific requirements and stay ahead of the curve in implementing them in our product development.